Monday 2 September 2013

CNC Heaven

Last weekend whilst I was waiting for the buss bars to be finished I arranged with Steve to move his CNC mill from his workshop to mine, I have done a deal with Steve to swap it for a decent sized 3D printer probably a Mendle 90 derivative along with support for the printer until Steve is up to speed with using it properly.

So this weekend my ever loving partner Michelle contacted a good friend of mine Simon who has an open back truck and engine lifter and armed with this we went over to Steve’s workshop on Sunday and collected the Seig KX3 CNC Mill and moved it and it’s bench and PC over to my workshop, I then spent the next 12 hours (11:30AM to 11:15PM) fixing the software problem I had caused and figuring out how to home the machine properly.

I am sure a pro would tell me how wrong I am but I figured out that by using a combination of the “offline” button and the “goto zero” button I could break the connection between the software and the machine and home the software’s work position back to zero without moving the machine at all then put the software back online and run the G code program, this way I am able at least to use the machine, however I only have a drill chuck as Steve could not find the collet chuck and I only have 1 bed clamp so I am going to need to invest in some new tools and bits for the CNC.

Started a new blog here for the CNC project as it is so coooool ;-)

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