Wednesday, 17 April 2013

EV build begins at last

The mechanics have been rather busy of late and the EV build has been pushed back a few weeks, however they collected the engine from me yesterday (16th April) and have begun the build proper today (17th) by coincidence I bumped into my mechanic this morning in the petrol station and he was in the process of taking the measurements of the engine to motor coupling plate over to the machine shop for the mechanist to mill up the coupling plate and splined collar, Brent has assured me that this should only take a couple of days to manufacture (on a CAD CAM mill) and they will be fitting the motor to the gearbox and fitting this back into the car, I am hoping that this will all be done by the end of this week.

Also I have been speaking with a friend of mine who has some experience of TIG welding and he has agreed to have a go at making up the battery boxes from a couple of 8 x 4 sheets of 3mm thick aluminum that I have had kicking around for years, we should be able to cut out all the Battery Box parts and clean them up a bit ready for  welding , I am also going to get a box made up for the charger (which I am still building) from the same sheets of aluminum.

So all in all things are starting to move in the right direction, I hope that the car will be back with me (motor & gearbox fitted) by the end of this week (optimistic in my opinion) so that I can get Steve (my EV specialist) to have a looksee at where we are going to put the rest of the bits (Charger/Battery boxes/Soliton Jr etc).

Exiting times!
Kostov K9 220v Motor still in box and Soliton Jr fresh out the box